We have all been cooped up for WAY too long, so I am sure that when big bash weddings are finally allowed again, we will all want to celebrate accordingly, right?
There is nothing better than a wedding weekend. Weddings are filled with so much love, joy and celebrations, why should it just last one night? Glencairn Weddings + Guest Farm is the perfect solution for the very best wedding weekend!
What better way to celebrate your marriage than a weekend in Underberg, surrounded not only by all the people you love but also by the beauty of nature. With the fresh Berg air, accommodation for up to 108 people, and so many activities to keep you busy… what more could you want for your BIG wedding weekend?
Bianca is chatting with us today, sharing more about herself as well as the amazing, Glencairn Weddings + Guest Farm.
Take it away, Bianca…

Hey! Please can you introduce yourself to the Hooray readers…
Bianca: Hi! My name is Bianca and I run Glencairn Weddings in Underberg KZN, situated under the Sani Pass
I absolutely love the outdoors, sport, friends and creating events.
Hooray: Are you more of a micro wedding or big bash kinda girl?
Bianca: Glencairn was designed for big bashes! Although covid has completely changed the way we’d like to do things we’re hoping that soon it’ll be “the more the merrier” venue once again
Hooray: How did you get into the wedding industry?
Bianca: Our venue started as a sports venue. Only when a good friend of ours asked if they could get married at Glencairn did the idea really evolve from there. We got to work creating a website and dove right into the wedding world!

Hooray: What makes Glencairn unique?
Bianca: I think its mountain and farm setting… there’s nothing quite like the views of the Drakensberg! Glencairn has become almost a destination wedding venue. Guests make a weekend out of it which makes it much more special than arriving just before the wedding and leaving after. Couples have exclusive use of the venue from the Wednesday before the wedding to the Sunday, where they can make the farm their own.
Hooray: What inspires you?
Bianca: Any person making the best of their situation and living life with full passion. Hooray: Running your own business can be hard, do you have a daily routine?
Bianca: I try to get into a daily routine, but with so much going on it’s about trying to fit in as much as possible into the day.
Hooray: Tell us about your ideal wedding client.
Bianca: Someone who’s excited, enthusiastic and open to anything
Hooray: Why should brides choose Glencairn as their wedding venue?
Bianca: For the beauty and ‘destination feeling’ – there is so much to do at Glencairn and that’s what makes it so special. We now have 108 beds on the farm plus options for guests to camp. With no cut off time guests can have the best time and not worry about driving anywhere after. We have accommodation options to suit each guests taste and wallet. Things like going hiking, swimming in rock pools or riding the morning of the wedding make it an awesome experience for not just the bride and groom but the whole wedding party as well.

Hooray: What do you love most about your job?
Bianca: 99% of the time it’s a really happy occasion so guests and everyone are on a high which makes the job that much more fun
Hooray: If there was one thing you could change about the wedding industry, what would it be and why?
Bianca: Probably the feeling most couples have of suppliers ‘overpricing’ for weddings.
***HSN: Could not agree more! I don’t think people understand all the costs that go into a wedding day!
Hooray: The mistake you made that has taught you the most valuable lesson?
Bianca: Promising couples whatever they ask. Boundaries need to be set by both the venue and the couple from the start. Hooray: Where do you see yourself and Glencairn this time next year?
Bianca: That’s a tough question with COVID around but hopefully things are open and people are getting married again with large celebrations at Glencairn.
Hooray: If you could be anything else in the wedding industry, what would you be and why?
Bianca: I think I would love to be doing flowers
Hooray: Do you have any friends in the industry?
Bianca: Yes, I have been lucky to make some great friends that have been awesome to work with. Each of us helps each other out, it’s so great.
Hooray: 2020 was a hard year for all, what do you think the wedding industry can learn from this?
Bianca: How to be adaptable and also how fragile our industry can be. I think we all realised just how much wedding celebrations are missed! Hooray: If you woke up tomorrow and Covid was miraculously over, how would you celebrate?
Bianca: I think I’d first cry big crocodile tears. And then hug every person I saw in such excitement!
Hooray: If you could go back in time to when you first started out in the wedding industry, and tell yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?
Bianca: To ALWAYS set boundaries from the start.
Hooray: What is your favourite way to unwind after a wedding?
Bianca: Definitely going for a run

Hooray: What steps have Glencairn taken to ensure they are equipped for larger weddings once we are allowed to have larger wedding celebrations again?
Bianca: We’ve taken all the precautions necessary for covid19 and are lucky that our sheds can seat up to 400 people so spreading people out will be slightly easier for smaller weddings.
Hooray: Tell us about the last time you were really, really proud of yourself or the job you completed.
Bianca: I guess after getting great reviews from couples and guests experiences after a tough lockdown.

Hooray: What is your favourite moment of a wedding day?
Bianca: I think it’s when the bride walks down the aisle, it’s such a special moment to witness, when all guests stand and the groom is waiting at the end of the aisle
Hooray: Finally, the craziest wedding memory at Glencairn?
Bianca: I think it was the wedding we got to host on 14 December, 1 of our 2 only couples that said they were getting married no matter what at Glencairn. The couple were so desperate to have a full outdoor ceremony and reception but December we have literally a thunderstorm every afternoon. So I advised we do two setups, one inside and one outside… A storm arrived as guests began seating at the ceremony… all had to be taken inside for an hour waking for the storm to pass and the bubbles were popped in the process so by the time the Ceremony started everyone was very festive. We moved the bar inside and outside 7 times over the course of the night. We closed the bar at 3 am and when I went back up to the venue at 6 am the last guests were walking down to their accommodation. It’s safe to say the barmen and DJ were utterly exhausted but loved every moment of our first wedding back post lockdown!
Bianca, thank you so much for sharing more about yourself as well as Glencairn with us today.
We are all itching for an adventure, so hopefully, the brides and grooms wanting a full wedding weekend experience will be knocking on your door soon to celebrate their big day!
If you would like to get in touch with Glencairn, click here.
The post Glencairn Weddings + Guest Farm appeared first on Hooray Weddings.