If you’re a long-time reader of Hooray Weddings you will likely know that the two lovely creators of the business are Derryn Schmidt and Christy Hosking. But, what do you REALLY know about them?
Trust me, these two are much more than pretty faces. Both of them are incredible mums, talented wedding photographers who run their own businesses, and all around awesome human beings. But what do they find challenging about being a business owner and what do they eat for breakfast?? We thought it high time to let the world in on the answers to these questions. So, here we go… We chatted with Derryn for this post. Check back next week to learn about Christy.

Hooray Weddings (Candice): Describe yourself using a Disney song title
Derryn: A whole new World. I’ve just had a baby and everything is different. My daily routine, my priorities, my sleep schedule. LOL. But also ‘A Whole new World’ because I feel like every day opens new possibilities and space for change. A friend just shared this quote on Facebook and it’s PERFECT:
“Trust the wait.
Embrace the uncertainty.
Enjoy the beauty of becoming.
When nothing is certain, anything is possible.”

Hooray Weddings: What made you want to start a wedding blog?
Derryn: Christy and I have always wanted to start a business together, and we felt that a wedding blog would be a good way to share the knowledge that we have accumulated over the years as photographers.
Hooray Weddings: What do you love about the KZN wedding industry?
Derryn: We are a tight knit group. Durban is a small town, and although it has been said that the industry is saturated, I seem to work with a small handful of people from wedding to wedding. It’s always a pleasure to see friendly familiar faces. There is very little competitiveness…it seems that everyone is just getting on with their thing. Maybe it’s the laid back nature of the chilled-surfer-type…Durban people are cool.
Hooray Weddings: Tell us about your other job (well, one of them), photography..
Derryn: Well, I am a wedding and portrait photographer. I absolutely LOVE photographing weddings. Straight out of school I was going to do a BA with the intention of becoming a psychologist. Thank goodness my Mom talked me out of it because instead of listening to peoples’ sad stories and trying to fix their problems, I get to be involved in the best day of someones’s life. I find the journey with a wedding couple incredibly rewarding and often find myself completely caught up in the moments, as though I am witnessing two of my best friends getting married. It really and truly is the best job ever!! Challenging, but incredibly rewarding.

Hooray Weddings: How does a typical day in your life look?
Derryn: Well things have changed a lot lately and with Ellie only being 5 months old we are still trying to figure out a routine. But I’m awake anywhere between 4:30-6:30am. My husband and I spend as long as we can in bed playing with Ellie, chatting and drinking coffee. When she is asleep, I am at my desk and when she is awake I am doing ‘Mom things’. I have help at home 3 days a week, so on those days I pop out for meetings, shoots or social activities. These are important since I work on the weekend and need friends to remain sane.
Hooray Weddings: What did you eat for breakfast this morning?
Derryn: Toast with fish paste and a cup of coffee which must be consumed while piping hot.
HW: Fish paste – you either love it, or you hate it!
Hooray Weddings: How do you manage work/life balance, especially with a small human to look after?
Derryn: GOSH – it really isn’t easy. I have learnt to be very efficient. Gone are my days of sitting quietly at my computer, the house to myself, belting out Adele tunes while slowly working my way through a wedding. I now only get a couple of hours during the day and then I try to complete my day’s work after dinner.

Hooray Weddings: Which local and international wedding industry professionals inspire you and why?
Derryn: I absolutely adore the work of Ed Peers. I am attending a workshop of his later this year and am beside myself with excitement. How will I sleep? Within South Africa, I love the work of Kristi Agier. We became Instagram friends when I realized that we both had boston pups. When I was in Cape Town a while ago, I asked if she wanted to go for a coffee and she actually said yes. It felt like a blind date, I was so nervous, but it was so lovely.
Hooray Weddings: If you could have your wedding day over again what, if anything, would you have done differently and why?
Derryn: Absolutely nothing!!! Well, the weather – if we are talking super natural here. But otherwise, I loved every moment. You can read about my wedding and love story here.

Hooray Weddings: What is the most challenging things about being a business owner?
Derryn: Being a solo entrepreneur can be incredible lonely. Big decisions need to be made or conflict resolved, and there is no manager or supervisor to go to for help. There is no team to bounce ideas off, only Google to ask when you are stuck with a question. This is why Christy and I developed the side of Hooray Weddings that supports industry professionals. ‘Bestie to the bride, and sister to the service provider’. Regular meet ups allow you the opportunity to make friends and create your own little network. I am part of WhatsApp groups, Facebook communities, Instagram pods and all sorts of things that help me to feel supported and not so alone. It helps to have a dog at home. If you work from home, I highly recommend a pet who you can talk to.
Hooray Weddings: What is your role within Hooray Weddings?
Derryn: I handle the logistical side of the workshops while Christy does all the design and decor. If you receive an email, it’s probably from me and if you are seeing anything ‘designed’ it would have been done by Christy. She also manages our social media accounts while I run the directory and sell second hand dresses. Our lovely lady, Candice, runs our shop. This job is bigger than any of us could have imagined, but knowing our weaknesses, working to our strengths, and coming together as a team, has allowed us to grow to where we are now.

Quick Question Round:
Hooray Weddings: Whiskey or gin?
Derryn: Gin!!!! I can’t stand the taste of whiskey
HW: Cake or ice cream?
Derryn: Mmmmm…ice cream
Hooray Weddings: Live band or DJ?
Derryn: Live band
Hooray Weddings: Geometric or floral?
Derryn: Geometric
Hooray Weddings: Heels or flats?
Derryn: Hahaha, flats! Can’t remember the last time I even wore heels.
Hooray Weddings: Beach or mountains?
Derryn: I used to be all beach, beach, beach…but I am beginning to appreciate the mountains now. So 50/50
So now you know a little more about one of the masterminds behind Hooray Weddings.
Check back next week to learn about Christy!
Follow Derryn’s work here:
Website: www.derrynschmidt.com
Facebook: DerrynSchmidtPhotography
Instagram: @derrynschmidt