Your besties are your people. Your tribe. Your bad bitches. Your ride or dies.
They’re there for you in thick and thin and they’re the people who threw you that KILLER bachelorette party, who stayed up with you all night sewing cushion covers or folding origami cranes and they’re the ones standing beside you the day you marry your heart’s matching puzzle piece.
These peeps deserve some love! So we’ve spent some time finding the most fun and useful bridesmaids gift inspirations on the great, wide interwebs. Here are some of the things we’re loving right now.
Monogrammed drinking vessels.
Everyone loves a little personalisation. That annoying Ashleigh at work won’t be able to fake that she ‘didn’t know’ it was your coffee mug that she ‘accidentally’ used for her morning brew when your initial is beautifully emblazoned across the front for all to see.
Help your friends out of awkward office situations with a monogrammed drinking vessel. We love these and these.
Timeless. Classic. You can’t really go wrong with jewellery. Depending on the vibe of your wedding and the personality of your team members you could go trendy, like these aquamarine geode studs, classic like this knot ring from Hooray Weddings or fun with these pizza necklace pendants.
All winners in their own way. Jewellery is the keepsake that stands the test of time.
Clutch bags
A potential double-duty item, right here. Get them made in a fabric that complements your wedding colours and your bridesmaids will look super chic on your special day and then forever after too. While you’re at it, you could also pop a little something into the bag for good measure. Like a pocket perfume from the Hooray Weddings store. Your ladies will stay sweet smelling from perfectly-made-up-morning to I-have-blisters-and-my-updo-has-fallen-out night.
Here’s where we found the below (clockwise from top left): 1, 2, 3, 4
Home items
Who doesn’t love a bit of good old-fashioned nesting. Making your home feel like a tranquil, cosy, warm, inviting space. Contribute to the vibe of your bridesmaids’ homes by gifting them a little something like this…
Something pretty, something useful. The options are endless but we’ve chosen three of our favourites. A classic lantern, a trendy macramé wall hanging from the Hooray Weddings store or a fun retro-feel oven glove
Cute undies
Get it girl! Unite your bridesmaids in girl power with the ‘Talk Feminist to Me’ or the ‘Nevertheless, she persisted’ boyshort panties. Go even further for the greater good with initiatives like Empowered by You and Rebecca Minkoff’s collaboration that gives 20% of the profits on every pack of three sold to help women in poverty into business. We LOVE this vibe. Give to your girls and empower others at the same time. I think that might be what is commonly known as a win-win situation!