Earlier in the year Hooray held it’s very first workshop, and what a success it was. We had an overwhelming response and realised quickly that there is a whole community of solo entrepreneurs out there, just like us, trying to keep up with the big scary world of business. In most cases your skill (the actual thing you sell or offer to clients) is where your expertise lies, but once you are running your own company you will realise quickly that there might be gaps in your skill set that could be holding your business back from reaching its fullest potential. What with hashtags and geotags, SEO and re-marketing – it’s difficult to keep up.
It is for these reasons that Hooray is offering quarterly workshops. The intention is to improve the business skills of the creatives out there through the sharing of information and tactics and the offering of relevant insights. In short, we want to equip you with the tools you need to take your small business from great to super-bad-ass-awesome!
This workshop is NOT exclusive to wedding industry professionals or creative business owners. In fact, none of the three speakers work within the wedding industry themselves. We are a pair of wedding photographers and bloggers, but the areas of business that will be covered in this workshop apply to all of us who run our own businesses – from artists to accountants to consultants.
Our power house team of speakers – Nadia, Nicola and Ashley – are 3 of Durban’s leaders in their fields and have a wealth of knowledge to share. Besides their extensive expertise, they also have a lot of love and have previously presented successful workshops focused on allowing others to grow their businesses. We dig them big time, and we know you will too.
The talks will run from 9am-4pm with two tea/coffee breaks and a 2 course lunch. Before 9am there will be some time to meet and mingle, and after 4pm we will have a Q&A session. The time on either side of the talks will allow you to network, make new friends and have all your questions answered.
All that’s left to do now is to pop us an email to check ticket availability, and we will forward you the relevant information for payment. info@hoorayweddings.com
If you have already supplied us your email addresses via social media you should have all the details waiting for in your inbox.
Without further ado, here’s the line up…
Part One: From logo to experience: How to make a physical brand impact in a digital world.
Part Two: Branding: The touches you can add to make your business stand out.
A brand can be such an intangible, static element within a business. We speak to our target market via screens, posts and digital information. It’s easy to forget that building a successful brand is based on having a connection with our fellow humans beings.
Our brands have the opportunity to change people’s lives in a beautiful, positive and happy way. Who wouldn’t want to share that valuable type of sincere joy through their business? How our brands and businesses impact the world are completely within our control. We can extend a point of connection that speaks straight to the heart of our customers or clients, that magical, unique touch that keeps them coming back. It’s a mutual exchange built from the need to serve our fellow humans and business owners, thus allowing them to be positively affected by our services and products.
Part one and two of my talk / session are built on offering an exceptional brand experience that flows through digital and into the real world to make a personal impact. Tips and pointers will include how to identify your unique experience, along with how to add personal touches to your business which further connects you with your ideal target market.
The Happy Hustle: Strategic Planning for a successful (and happy) 2017!
“Where there is disorder, there is distraction.” Robin Sharma
So true right? Well, I say, screw chaos and overwhelm, let’s start 2017 with clarity and abundance by getting ahead of the game, and strategically planning for a happy & successful 2017 NOW!
Vision boarding…it’s not all woo-woo-pie-in-the-sky stuff (promise!)…including some cool creative ideas that are a little different & will leave you inspired!
Goal setting (the right way) to ensure clarity & getting what you want for you life & business.
The art of balancing your dreams, goals, business and life on one calendar!
Content creation & planning: What you need to know about creating content for your brand to grow your business – and stay sane whilst doing so!
Bill Gates said, “Content is king” – so how do you master content creation and grow your business at the same time? It doesn’t have to be groundhog day every Monday when you realise you haven’t posted on Facebook in over a week. You don’t have to struggle to work out what you should be posting and when. Discover the secrets behind creating content that resonates with your target audience and how to plan this into your business AND your real life – that thing you wanted when you decided to go solo.
For information on future workshops and events, sign up to our Industry Friends mailing list and be sure to always receive information first. Being on this list makes you eligible for special deals, competitions and giveaways too. Who doesn’t love a good deal?
The post Workshop | Bad Ass Bosses: Business Strategies for 2017 appeared first on Hooray Weddings.