As I sit here under a blanket, sipping on a mug of hot tea, I am treasuring the final official days of Winter and the final day of August… tomorrow is Spring, and I cannot believe it!
The stories we are sharing today are filled with joy and celebrations but most importantly, love.
During this pandemic, one thing has always stayed true… and that is love!
Grab yourself a cup of tea, a couple of tissues, and read the stories we saw in August.
- I do… finally!
Gloria and Jeffrey met at Amber Court Assisted Living and have been dating for the past three years. When Gloria was hospitalized, Jeffrey realised how much he really missed her and it was then that he decided he would pop the question! Jeffrey told the staff, “I miss her so much, as soon as she gets back, I’m going to ask her to marry me!”.
Just look at this precious moment of the two reuniting and Jeffrey popping the question… CA-ute! - Sarah and Wells’ “fake” wedding
These two always know how to celebrate in style!
Instead of moping about on their original wedding date, they got dressed up, took some photos, and drank wine – sounds like the perfect day to me!
“A couple, a pandemic, & a postponed wedding: A series. We were supposed to get married today. Instead… we took pictures and drank wine. I love you to Pluto & back” – Sarah Hyland (below pictures by Brett Robert)
I know that their wedding day is going to be the biggest party, and I cannot wait to see pictures of the official day – Modern Family REUNION!!! Be still my beating fangirl heart!
- 70 years married and still going strong
So Brittany Snow’s grandparents are the cutest!
“My Grandparents’ 70th anniversary! They’ve been in love for over 70 yrs and although my Grandma lives in a nursing home, my Gramps visits her every day and still calls her “my girl.” They have lunch 6 feet apart but they still celebrate their forever friendship” – Brittany Snow
A love like this gives me goosebumps… this is the type of love everybody needs in their lives!
- House of Hudson turns FIVE!
A big congratulations to HOH who celebrated their fifth birthday in style last week, popping bottles and eating cake. Amongst the birthday celebrations, they also took this time to announce some amazing new additions to their portfolio including studio + venue rental, planning + coordination, PLUS an online store which officially went live today… just to name a few!
Congratulations girls, we wish you all the best in these new ventures and we just know you are going to continue creating even more magic in the years to come!
(Below images by Ann Elizabeth Photography, logo design by The Bash Design Studio) - Okay, get ready for a major tear-jerker…
When Malcolm was diagnosed with terminal cancer, the nurses at Worcestershire Royal Hospital in the UK organised a ceremony so he could finally say I do to the woman of his dreams, Maureen. The team gathered around Malcolm’s bed, which had a ‘Just Married’ sign above it, and threw confetti over the couple as they exchanged rings and he kissed the bride.
This is such a heartbreaking moment, but our hearts are filled with joy knowing that the staff took the time to make this all a reality – it was so beautiful.
And that’s a wrap for August!
If you have anything coming up in September that you would love to share or you think may inspire other brides, be sure to hit us up at
The post August Wrap Up 2020 appeared first on Hooray Weddings.