Today we have Bianca Wilde on the blog.
Bianca is one of those photographers that will become your bestie during your wedding, making you feel so loved and like you have known each other for years!
This pink-haired, sports-loving girl shares a bit more with us today about her day to day life, how she unwinds after a wedding, but most importantly, how to pronounce her surname! Plus, her most embarrassing moment includes an exposed bum cheek, eeek!
Let’s hear what she has to say…
Hi! Please can you introduce yourself to the Hooray readers.
Bianca: My Name is Bianca and I own a photography business called Bianca Wilde Photography (Pronounced Wild like the author Oscar Wilde)
Hooray: Tell us a bit more about yourself
Bianca: I’ve got wild pink hair and a thirsty heart, I’m a lover of love and I like to say I am a walking dichotomy because so much of my personality is an opposite, tomboy and girly girl, introvert and extrovert, which means I connect naturally to others. I always manage to find some sort of common ground with people. I have a massive willingness to “go there” for the perfect photo or a pickle… if you need me to do anything bribe me with pickles!
Hooray: How did you get into the wedding industry?
Bianca: I am a creative but I also LOVE math! So photography is a perfect middle ground! I get to be artsy and technical! As for weddings I actually wanted to be a sports photographer – I loved the adrenaline rush you get during a game, if you missed that goal, that’s it, you don’t get a repeat, and I seem to thrive under pressure! And then, one day, I was dragged kicking and screaming into second shooting a wedding and BAM, I was hooked! It had the same feeling as trying to catch that perfect moment but spread out over a full day, not just 80 or 90 minutes. Then, I saw the reaction I got from my couples when they see their photographs and I fell deeper in love with this industry. There is nothing like the feeling of making tangible art out of a moment in someone’s life.
Hooray: A sports photographer!? Do you still do this?
Bianca: I was raised in a household that the neighbours didn’t need to watch the rugby because you could keep track of the score from all the shouting coming from us, I always had a massive obsession with motor cross and cars and as a teen, I fell in love with football (no I don’t call it soccer but yes that’s the sport I mean) so for me that was a natural thing to want to do. I would watch the x-games and admire all the photographers on the sidelines – they were my heroes, but then I photographed my first wedding and I was hooked, the bug bit HARD and I have never looked back!
There was a point that they overlapped, and I nearly had a dune buggy roll over me and my camera! That’s when I realised that that never happens at a wedding, so I think I made the right choice!
Hooray: What inspires you?
Bianca: I LOVE the Fearless Awards, these photographers don’t just take photos, they make them! I love learning about the technical side of photography as it’s ever-evolving, so surprisingly I watch a lot of product and automotive photography tutorials on youtube and try and figure out if I can incorporate that into a wedding day.
Hooray: Running your own business can be hard, do you have a daily routine?
Bianca: Does brushing my teeth the minute I wake up count? If not, then no, every day is so different in this industry that having a daily routine is almost impossible for me. I would say I have a very rough weekly routine but I can thank my German genes for knowing what I need to get done and actually doing it!
Hooray: Tell us about your ideal wedding client.
Bianca: My ideal clients would be couples who are not afraid to take risks, who have a kick-ass attitude (whether you have green hair or you’re shy as a mouse it doesn’t matter) if you know who you are, then I will love you! Most importantly, clients who trust me! My creativity is at it’s best when my couples trust me to do my job and to do it well.
Hooray: What do you love most about your job?
Bianca: The people I get to connect with, the places I get to see, the emotion I get to capture for my couples and my absolute favourite is when I show a couple a photograph on the back of my camera and they go, “WOW! how did you even do that?!”
Hooray: Can you describe your style?
Bianca: I like to say I am an in-between photographer, I’ll capture your big moments like the first kiss and the first dance but the things I love most are the in-between moments, the things that make your wedding so uniquely you, the smaller bits that happen in-between the big parts, that in-between moment that no one else really notices. That little bit when you have a stolen kiss or a cheeky bum grab while all the guests are grabbing confetti, the small moments in-between that make your wedding day so special.
Hooray: If there was one thing you could change about the wedding industry, what would it be?
Bianca: I think it would be that everyone thinks they can be a wedding vendor for a quick buck – people have this belief that if they own a camera they are automatically a photographer or if they own a sound system they are automatically a DJ. The professionals out there work really hard to perfect their skills, We’re in it for the love and passion of the job – there is A LOT more to being a wedding photographer than standing around pushing a button. I have had a few people come to me after their weddings and tell me they hired a friend from work who owns a camera and can I please edit their photos because they are terrible and they wished they had hired a pro from the get-go. Once the wedding cake has been eaten and the flowers have wilted, your photos and your spouse are what is left, make sure you invest in a photographer you love.
Hooray: The mistake you made that has taught you the most valuable lesson?
Bianca: The biggest mistake I’ve made would be not trusting my gut, I had a bride I met, she saw all my albums, my portfolio and my website and I just knew we didn’t click as people, a couple of days after the meeting she said she wanted to book me, I photographed her wedding but there was no connection between her and I. When I handed over her photos she wanted me to re-edit everything in a different style because it turns out she didn’t like my editing style from the get-go. To this day I do not understand why she booked me and now if I feel like we don’t connect on some level, I will tell you that I’m not the photographer for you. You spend almost your entire day with your photographer and I want you to have someone you love even if its not me.
Hooray: If you had to get married (again) what would be the ONE non-negotiable?
Bianca: My wedding was very much a people pleaser – we did things very differently. Our guests, my husband and I all had tequila shots during the ceremony. Our Great Danes were in attendance and we had a jumping castle at the reception. So if I had to do it again I think we would do something more true to ourselves so we would possibly do an elopement and my non-negotiable would be to hire my dream photographer.
Hooray: Now you have to tell us, who is your dream photographer?
Bianca: Two Mann Studios – They are a married Canadian couple Erika Mann (Ranked 7th on the Fearless top photographers in the world) and Lanny Mann (Ranked 11th) to quote their about me section:
“We believe that wedding photography doesn’t have to be safe and boring. We don’t want to just give you photos, we want to give you works of art that will blow your mind”
Something that I have recently learnt (which has probably been my hardest lesson) is to be yourself, run your business how you want and photograph weddings how YOU want to, for years I had a mindset of shooting in a way that I though brides wanted and it never felt natural to me, so now I don’t shoot what it looks like, I shoot what it feels like. This is something that Two Mann do, and do well. Not only do they create these mind-blowing images but they are so true to who they are.
Hooray: Where do you see yourself and your company this time next year?
Bianca: Shooting my first (hopefully of many) Destination wedding, I am so excited for it (I’m not excited to wait a year for it!) but not because of the travel aspect but because I love any wedding that the couple has created a wedding day that THEY think is perfect. They know who they are as a couple and will do what they want with their wedding. I do find this feeling quite common with elopements and destination weddings.
Hooray: Tell us about your most embarrassing moment on the job.
Bianca: I photographed a wedding on a game farm and had driven up the night before the wedding. I kept teasing the brides about hanging their dresses off a giraffe so before I was supposed to start the photography I asked if one of the game rangers would take me out to photograph the dresses in the bush. On the way back to the venue we found a herd of giraffe and I asked if I could try and get a shoe shot with the giraffe in the background. As I was turning myself into a human pretzel, as I do, I managed to rip my pants exposing my left bum cheek! Luckily I don’t embarrass too easily and had a spare pair of pants in my room!
Hooray: Your favourite way to unwind after a wedding?
Bianca: I for one experience bad “Wang-overs” – Wedding-Hangovers! No alcohol needed, I think it has something to do with having your adrenaline pumping for such a long period of time, making sure you don’t miss things etc but after one particularly tough wedding, I got home at around 1 am, immediately brushed my teeth (it’s weird I know) had two shots of tequila and sat eating a bowl of olives in a hot bubble bath, I don’t think I’ve ever felt so good the next day, maybe I should turn this into a tradition?! Otherwise, a shower and I give myself a foot rub, those feeties work hard on wedding days.
Hooray: Lastly, tell us about the last time you were really, really proud of yourself you completed.
Bianca: When I got a fearless mention for one of my photos that was a BIG deal to me! The proudest I have ever been was for a same-sex couple, Jenna and Mariska who posted some of their photos on the Facebook group #Imstaying and it ended up getting something like 27k comments all supporting the fact that love is love, I was proud to have been the one to photograph their wedding and I was proud that those photos managed to show a lot of people that no matter if you are same-sex, interracial, young, old, green, purple or pink that love is love and there is nothing stronger than that!
Bianca, thank you so much for sharing a behind the scenes look with our readers today.
If you would like to get in touch with Bianca, click here.
The post Bianca Wilde Photography appeared first on Hooray Weddings.