So, it is the first day of South Africa’s lockdown.
Your wedding has been postponed, your bachelorette has been cancelled and you are feeling sorry for yourself… why did this have to happen to me?
The next few weeks are going to be difficult. Maybe you will feel motivated, ready to set some challenges and get those things done. Or maybe you are feeling like crawling into a ball and just watching Netflix for the next 21 days. Babe, you do you, but if you are looking for a little motivation over these next 21 days… read on!
P.S: If you are not a bride, this article will be just as beneficial to you!
- Make small positive changes to your diet
“Avoid following overly restrictive diets at all costs. Think about small positive changes you can incorporate to your diet, and implement those. No matter how small they may seem, if they are going to contribute to a healthier you, then they will make a difference. Keep adding to these changes – you will find yourself thinking of new ideas to incorporate as you go along. Remember this is YOUR journey, so make sure you are following something that is suitable and sustainable for you. If you battle with this step, and want more direction, then seek advice from a registered dietitian, they can guide you on this journey.” – Aimee Robson, Bloom BrideYou might be thinking that this is the time to just eat that you want, but after these 21 days you will be feeling down in the dumps and worse than when the 21 days started, trust us and just eat healthy while still enjoying a few treats! - Routine
This is going to be a difficult three weeks, but a routine will benefit you in the long run. Try your best to wake up at a set time. It doesn’t necessarily need to be the normal time you wake up, but try and set an alarm on weekdays and enjoy your weekend lie ins like you would normally. Once awake, pour yourself a cup of tea/coffee and plan your day. Make sure you are remembering these five different aspects that you can incorporate into your day:
1) Work
If you are able to work from home, set a time limit of doing work. Don’t just sit and work all day, make sure you are taking times for breaks and shutting off at a normal hour.
If you are unable to work in this time, maybe there is a side project that you have been wanting to do or an online course you have been eyeing out for a while now, this is the perfect time to get things done!
2) Exercise
I love starting my day with exercise. It pushes up your endorphins and gets your ready to face your day. Take time to do some form of exercise, whether it is running around your house, having a dance party in the lounge or making use of the many online classes that personal trainers are offering – the opportunities are endless! (see more info below)3) Cleaning
No one enjoys relaxing in a dirty house. Make a schedule for daily room cleans and ensure you deep clean each room on those set days. Schedule in washing as well as dusting, vacuuming and moping. If it is scheduled, you will be more inclined to get it done as you will want to “tick it off the list”
4) Sorting
All those little jobs that you wanted to do but never had the time, now is the perfect time to do them! Make a list of all the cupboards you want to sort, rooms that need decluttering and little odd jobs that you can handle and get them done. If you do one small job a day, your house will be decluttered and looking amazing by the time these 21 days are over!5) Relaxation
Guys, we need to be kind to ourselves during this time. Take time each day to relax and find your calm. Whether it is by drinking a cup of coffee and zoning out, colouring in, reading or doing puzzles, you have to do things that are different and will help you get through these 21 days! - Exercise
“The benefits of exercise not only on weight, but also physical and mental health are endless. We need to make sure we are incorporating frequent exercise into our lifestyle – there is no doubt about it. Find what you enjoy, and stick to that. Remember to start off slowly, and keep building.” – Aimee Robson, Bloom Bride
“If you have not been exercising, make small challenges to get back into it. If you are feeling unfit start off with setting yourself a weekly goal to work yourself back up to your fitness level.” – Natalie Dennis, Get Fit
- Set goals and remind yourself of the bigger picture – you will get through these 21 days!
“Be purposeful! Don’t just think about what you want to achieve aimlessly. Write it down, and set little goals to aim for. This goes a long way in keeping yourself consistent as well as motivated. Also remember to always think of the bigger picture, and remind yourself why you are making these changes and setting out on this journey.” – Aimee Robson, Bloom Bride - Pamper Sessions
There is nothing better than long bubble baths or a morning of face masks, shaving, plucking your eye brows and making sure you look amazing!
Yes sure, you are most probably going to be in comfy clothes for the next 21 days but don’t let yourself “go”. Pamper sessions will make sure you are looking after yourself, which in turn will make you feel healthier and happier! Set weekly times to give yourself home manicures and pedicures and treat yourself to that amazing body scrub that you keep for special occasions!As our skin guru, Pia, says “Invest in your skin, people are going to look at your face for the rest of your life. You can hide your body, you cannot hide your face!” - Wedding Specific
So, your wedding has been postponed. This is so frustrating but just know that your wedding day will happen and it will be AMAZING! Use this time to do the following:
1) Ensure all plans are in place for the postponement
Have you chosen your new date? Have you discussed and finalised your new plans with all vendors? Have you let your guests know that your date has changed? Use this time to get all of this finalised and sorted. Make a list and work through it slowly
2) Wedding Projects
Was there something that you saw on Pinterest that you wanted to do but just didn’t have the time? Now you have the time to get creative and get that DIY project done!
3) Celebrate your original wedding date
Get dressed up, do your hair and make up, pop the champagne and celebrate! Set up a party on Zoom with your bridal party and family, put on some music, dance in the living room and enjoy your day!
Final thoughts…
Now is the perfect time to print out one of these habit trackers and focus on your habits.
Click here to go to the article that includes some amazing tips from our resident dietician, Aimee Robson from Bloom Bride, as well as the download link for the habit tracker.
So, those are our tips on how you can get through the next 21 days. We are all in this together babes, take it one day at a time!
Thank you to our wellness gurus for their contributions to this article:
Aimee Robson, Bloom Bride
Natalie Dennie, Get Fit Durban North
Pia Moriarty, Beauty @ 305
The post Covid-19 and the next few weeks appeared first on Hooray Weddings.