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Help! Bachelorette Edition


“Help, I have just had a banger of a bachelorette weekend and need to get wedding ready in a week”

Most brides have their bachelorettes or ‘hens’ parties the week before their wedding. Its the kick off to your wedding celebrations, but it can also be a massive stress.

You drank all the cocktails, did all the bride-to-be things, slurped one too many tequilas out of some random barman’s naval, and might have even ridden a “penis pony” at a
nightclub (which will not be named – no judgies.)

It’s all fun and games, until you discover aches in places that you never thought possible, a food-baby belly from the midnight pie run and
under-eye-bags so big, no amount of cooling cucumber gel is going to bring them back to life.

But don’t worry girl, we got you. 

We asked our wedding wellness experts and they are here to ensure you are back to LIZZO status as you walk down that aisle.
So grab some water (wine or coffee won’t work for this one ladies) and read on…

Diet Guru – Aimee from Bloom Bride

  1. Forget The Scale

In terms of weight, there isn’t too much that can be done within a week. If you have stood on the scale and see you are a couple kilo’s up, I promise you this isn’t fat, but most probably water retention (especially if more alcohol was consumed over the weekend than normal). I would even go as far as to say, don’t stand on the scale, especially if you are “scale sensitive”. It won’t be accurate, and it may just lead to you feeling overwhelmed; which is definitely not needed in the final week!

  1. Diet

Diet wise; focus on making sure your diet is as nourishing as possible. Avoid foods that leave you feeling bloated (especially as you approach the 3-4 day mark of your big day). Feeling bloated is a quick way to make you feel like you have gained a couple kilo’s when you haven’t. Your tummy might be feeling even more sensitive than normal; especially if your banger of a weekend included a lot of “naughties” (i.e. too much sugar, refined carbohydrates, and alcohol). Put a concerted effort into staying away from foods that cause bloating. The main culprits are normally sugar, sweeteners, refined carbohydrates and alcohol, but this is individual, you know your body best, so avoid foods/drinks that you know affect you. Also be aware that sometimes even healthy foods can make you feel bloated; such as beans, lentils, legumes and fermented foods (probably is best to avoid closer to the 2-3 day mark if they affect you). 

  1. Hydrate

Lastly; hydrate, hydrate, hydrate; especially if your alcohol intake was dialled up a couple notches over the weekend. The first day after the weekend you may even want to consider some form of rehydration solution (depending on how you are feeling). Thereafter make a concerted effort to meet your daily liquid requirements. It might be a good idea to avoid too much caffeine, so limit your regular tea/coffee to 2 cups per day, and grab more water or black rooibos tea. If you battle with drinking water; throw in some slices of lemon/orange/cucumber/mint to help. Meeting your fluid requirements really is so important; it will leave you feeling much better (less headachy and lethargic) and also will correct any fluid retention. So drink up!

2) Exercise Guru – Nats from GetFit

Don’t worry! You are one week away from your wedding and one night isn’t going to undo all your months and months of hard work . …. if you haven’t been eating well and training hard then its probably too late but if you have been working hard one night is not going to undo everything!

My top advice would be to flush out your system and get back on track.

Eating clean and drinking water is going to be your best friend. Not only will it help you feel better, but it will also improve your skin and flush out any toxic items from your bachelorette weekend.

Try get a few good cardio sessions in to SWEAT it all out. Maybe even try fit in a sauna session to help get it all out your system.

Ensure you get enough sleep. no one wants tired eyes on their wedding day so make sure you get an early night for the days leading up to your wedding. I would highly recommend taking a few days off before your wedding, sleep in, have a good sweat session, sauna, relax and early nights so you are feeling fresh and relaxed towards your big day!

Be Kind to your body!

Keep the 3 R’s in mind – REHYDRATE, REST AND RELAX !!!!
This is your big day and you want to be feeling 100% ready to embrace every bit of it’s amazingness!

3) Skin Guru – Pia from Beauty @ 305

The best thing you could treat yourself with is a full body exfoliation followed by a full body massage on the Monday morning straight after your bachelorette (*Bridesmaids, gift idea here!) This will improve the function of your muscles, organs & skin.

Both treatments will stimulate your lymphatic drainage which will help you feel more energized as it detoxes the body. Fatigue, headaches and nausea are all very common after your massage and it is super important to drink loads of water to facilitate lymph drainage and get all that Gin out!

Because alcohol dehydrates the skin, a hydrating masque is a must, preferably one with vitamins & anti oxidants to repair the skin & help damaged cells renew. I have listed my favourite suggestions below:

Splurge Budget:
DMK ACU Masque is very detoxifying OR
Environ Revival Masque – is absolutely incredible, you will definitely notice an improvement with your skin the next morning

Medium budget:
Environs Balancing Masque – balances the pH of the skin, mattifies & hydrates, awesome masque

Tight Budget:
If your budget is stretched and funds are running low, then a Skin Republic face mask you can grab yourself from Dischem will help your skin too. 

4) Wellness Gurus – The Hooray Girls

The week before your wedding is such a special one, with reliving memories from your bachelorette weekend, to welcoming friends and family who are travelling from far to enjoy your wedding day. Our advise is ensure that you prioritise ALL of your to-do’s to be done and dusted the week BEFORE your bachelorette.

You know that feeling of going to a party on Saturday night, knowing you have a massive exam on the Monday morning and you haven’t studied….that gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach, THAT is what you will be enduring if you don’t get all your wedding to-do’s done before celebrating your “last fling before the ring.”

GET (clap) THIS (clap)SHIT(clap) DID (clap).

You deserve your bachelorette weekend, the party itself will help you destress and fill your love-cup after months of hard work and planning. Letting “loose” with your girls is entirely encouraged and will be a massive stress-reliever. You don’t want to be left feeling shitty after your bender weekend and then having NO TIME to rest and recoup because you have to finalise table settings and meet your caterer, collect your dress and fetch Great Aunt Milly from the airport (delegate this please!).

Make sure you book your appointments in for the last week as having “free time” might persuade you to leave things for the final week, and we all know what happens when we “put off for tomorrow what can be done today”…STRESS. Book in your massages and facials, plan that dinner with friends and family who are flying in to celebrate your nuptials, organise your mani and pedi’s with your bridal party. And most importantly schedule some alone time for yourself and for you and your fiancé. Your wedding week starts now, be present in every moment. Just remember to take that rehydrate bomb and your oversized sunnies to the salon and you good to go!

So in a nutshell:
1. Water, water, water – just drink it all week.
2. Be active, even if its just a walk on the beach.
3. Take care of your self and prioritise a pamper.
4. Plan properly, ensuring that your last week is as enjoyable as possible and you don’t have to worry about a big hangover.

The post Help! Bachelorette Edition appeared first on Hooray Weddings.

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